Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sick Sickly

So I'm still a little bit sick. I really dislike colds, they are no fun. I have to go to work in less than an hour, and already I feel the day wearing on me. But it's good to keep a positive attitude so I will just be quiet and do it! I woke up today and read a bit of Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, and it really opened my eyes to a couple of things. First off, I need to rely way more on God than I do now. Secondly, I need to take a breather, speak to God on where I am at, and ask for His grace to power me, because I'm nothing without it. I am not perfect, and the moment I truly realize this, things will change, and God will have room to work. If I am ignorant of the fact that I have flaws that can move mountains, how will I ever get to the point where I can move mountains with my faith? God is our only answer to so many questions, yet we refuse to take the time to acknowledge that. God is great. God is the answer. God is love.