So last night Andrew held an awesome party that he also called my party. It was so awesome to see people show up and fellowship with each other.
No alcohol needed.
I love that about our friends. We can have a great time learning about each other and teaching each other things that are valuable to our lives in Christ. In my eyes, a party should be about serving the people you are around, not yourself, even if it is your birthday. I think life would be so empty if we didn't serve one another. One of my favorite rewards for doing something is seeing someone smile.
The world needs more of that.
I think God totally created us to smile, to fellowship, to love one another with no reservations. I for one, fail at this a lot. I learn so much from those who are awesome at loving others (i.e. all of my brothers and sisters in Christ). Last night was full of laughter and smiles. That makes me happy. I hope I get better at it someday. Writing these thoughts here really helps me to reflect on what I need to work on.
Yes. It takes actually writing it down to keep my attention. I guess it kinda sucks, but i feel at peace when I write.
What I want to do overall here, right now, is thank all of the beautiful people who have had an impact on my life.....
You truly spark a desire in me to follow Christ even further.
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