So, considering our 7 track EP is on its way, I decided to post a little bit of an update on the band.
We are all super excited to be in the studio with an awesome man who has an awesome passion for music. This whole project would not be possible without him (thank you Nate). We are all in agreement of our whole reason for doing display the gift of music that we have been graciously given, to create together, to grow together as brothers. Not only that but more importantly to learn from one another. We all consider one another to be brothers.
before the music.
before the band.
we are brothers.
Now to give a little bit of an update to those who read this thing.
Currently, we are finished with the guitar, bass, and drum tracks. We are working on editing and roughly mixing the music, in order to ready it for vocals. The outcome so far has been beyond what I had imagined. Working with Nate has been super sweet. He and his awesome wife have put up with all the editing we have to do in his living room. I can't thank them enough. They rock!
We are getting our myspace up and going, but all of the work is on us. We do not plan on forking out 500 bucks to get a myspace layout put up, so we are learning to piece together a layout ourselves. Alex is the one heading that department. He's been doing such an awesome job. He's learning it all super efficiently and putting it all to great use. Come on guys, he isn't just a guitarist!
Currently, we are looking for a bassist, but are in no rush (we want to find someone who meshes with us just right).
We are a little past the half way point of finishing the EP. We will be releasing the title just as soon as we get the myspace up, as well as album art and other cool stuff.
Overall, we love doing what we do and enjoying each others' company, and for no other reason are we in this. We want to make sure that we are supporting each other and from that hoping that people will enjoy the music we put forth. Stay tuned for more updates......if you like to read these things....if not, it's chill.
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