Today has been an interesting day. I say interesting because I feel very strange.
I'm extremely weary, have a headache, but lying down only makes it worse. I do not understand, it is far beyond my comprehension. I have been kinda lax in reading the Bible lately, so I gotta get down to it for sure. I become so caught up in other things that I forget about where my time should be spent (writing, reading, producing, praying, being effective for the Kingdom). The Bible is full of so much truth that I forget is sooooo vitally important to my spiritual walk. My relationship with God needs to fill my time so much more, it's scary sometimes.
In other respects, the EP progress is awesome. Nate showed me a bit of the tracks with the bass and it sounds sooo good. I'm super excited to get it out there. I love playing music with my bandmates, they are so awesome. I have a lot of fun growing with each other, not staying stagnant. Learning from each other. There is far more than music writing that goes on in the band, we share a tight knit friendship, and we understand each other. I can't wait to see the end result of the hard work we've put into this.
As the title indicates, Nate and I did indeed have an intonation celebration. We go some new strings on the beasts (Cort, Epiphone, Hagstrom....the Fernandez is all good to go). Fresh new D'Adarrios, 11 Gauge for a chunkier feel. We're pretty excited to lay down those tracks Saturday.
Liz and I are doing great. As of this very moment, I feel like the moment we went on our first date, when I was super giddy and flirty and all. I love her so much. If you don't know her, you should. She has one of the most amazing hearts I know. I love the way she smiles, the way she laughs, it's all so sincere. She shows me what true love is. Not only for our relationship, but for people. Where I would give up trying to help someone, she endures all the crap and seriously cares for people. I'm super inspired by her heart. I really think she will do awesome things for the Kingdom in her time here. On top of all this, she's my girlfriend, and I am so fortunate to say so. God does take away, but He gives such beautiful things. Liz is one of those people in my life that God has blessed me with. Among many others. I love everyone I know. At least, I try. Maybe I mess up sometimes.....a lot of times, but still, I try my best. If it weren't for any of the people I know, I wouldn't be here right now, and it all leads back to one Being.....God, my Father, my Lord, my SAVIOR. Without Him, we are empty. But shells without an occupant. I want to thank all of my friends, because I love them with every ounce of who I am, and to my enemies (those I have, even if I don't know it) I'm so sorry for whatever I did to make you an enemy, and I love you, too. Sincerely. I'm done with the anger. I'm done with the other way, God's way is awesome. I hope you think so too.
I love you all, really.